MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik

Prix fixe hors TVA
14 790 €
(17 600 € brut)
Année de construction
Bakum Allemagne
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Autre MITSUBISHI Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
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Fuso 70C180 Pritsche Plane, LBW, Automatik
Année de construction:
Heures de service:
124 200 h


Prix fixe hors TVA
14 790 €
(17 600 € brut)
Site du vendeur:
Hansawinkel 4, 49456 Bakum, Allemagne Allemagne


124 200 km
129 kW (175,39 ch)
première inscription:
poids total:
7 490 kg
type de carburant:
configuration des axes:
poids maximal de la charge:
2 840 kg
poids de la charge vide:
4 650 kg
taille des pneus:
205/75 17,5
6 900 mm
cabine du conducteur:
taxi de jour
type d'engrenage:
classe d'émission:
volume de l'espace de chargement:
25 m³
largeur de l'espace de chargement:
2 485 mm
longueur de l'espace de chargement:
4 850 mm
hauteur de l'espace de chargement:
2 100 mm
longueur totale:
4 850 mm
état des pneus:
70 %
taille des pneus avant:
205/75 17,5
taille des pneus arrière:
205/75 17,5
ABS, filtre à suie, hayon élévateur, immatriculation des camions, la climatisation, ordinateur de bord, porte coulissante, programme de stabilité électronique (ESP), spoiler, système antidémarrage, verrouillage central


Identifiant de l'annonce:
Numéro de référence:
Dernière mise à jour:
le 13.08.2024


Vehicle number for inquiries: 806191
Mitsubishi, Canter
* Year of construction: 2015
* Transmission type: Automatic
* Total weight: 7,490 kg
* Unladen weight: 4,650 kg
* Payload: 2,840 kg
* Tire condition 1st axle: 70% -- 70% - Tire size: 205/75 R17.5
* Tire condition 2nd axle: 70%|70% -- 70%|70% - Tire size: 205/75 R17.5
* Wheelbase: 6900 mm
* Interior dimensions: L=4850 mm, W=2485 mm, H=2100 mm
Errors excepted and subject to prior sale Further pictures and 360 degree pictures can be found on our homepage.
Our extensive service includes e.g:
* Purchase / sale / rental of commercial vehicles
* Fast and uncomplicated financing
* Applying for all (export) documents
* Ordering export license plates / customs plates
* Vehicle refurbishment: new tarpaulins, lettering, paintwork, etc.
* Professional loading / load securing
* TÜV inspections, registration service
* Transfer of commercial vehicles

Ask our trained specialists, we will be happy to advise you.

Reference no. for inquiries: 806191
Mitsubishi, Canter
* Year of manufacture: 2015
* Transmission: Automatic
* Total weight: 7.490 kg
* Empty weight: 4.650 kg
* Payload: 2.840 kg
* Tire condition 1st Axles: 70% -- 70% - Tire size: 205/75 R17.5
* Tire condition 2nd Axles: 70%|70% -- 70%|70% - Tire size: 205/75 R17.5
* Wheelbase: 6900 mm
* Dimensions of vehicle interior: L=4850 mm, W=2485 mm, H=2100 mm
Errors excepted and subject to prior sale Further pictures and 360 degree pictures can be found on our homepage.
Our comprehensive service includes, for example:
* Purchase / sale / rental of utility vehicles
* Quick uncomplicated financing
* Applications for all (export) documentation
* Ordering export license plate
* Vehicle preparation: new tarpaulins, lettering, varnishing etc.
* Professional loading / load securing
* TÜV inspections, registration service
* Transfer of utility vehicles

Ask our trained staff, we will gladly advise you.

L'annonce a été traduite automatiquement et des erreurs de traduction peuvent apparaître.


A1-Truck GmbH

Personne de contact :

Hansawinkel 4

49456 Bakum, Allemagne

+49 4446 ... afficher

Enregistré depuis: 2003

428 annonces en ligne

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Transimpex GmbH
Hansatal 7
D-49456 Bakum

Tel: +49-(0)4446 / 96850
Fax: +49-(0)4446 / 968520

Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Oldenburg / HRBR-Nr. 110246
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer nach § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 117777381
Vertretungsberechtigt: Vertretungsberechtigt:: Patrick Kleene, Manuel Kleene


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MitsubishiFuso 3S13 PASSO 828
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Camionnette à benne basculante Mitsubishi  Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
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Italie Via Prè, 4, 25017 Lonato del Garda BS, Italia
647 km
Camionnette à benne basculante
Mitsubishi Fuso Canter 3C13 Müllwagen 4x2 EU5
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
Benne basculante 3 côtés
MITSUBISHI9C18 AMT 3-Seitenkipper Automatik,Nutzl. 4550 KG
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Benne basculante 3 côtés MITSUBISHI 7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
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Allemagne Sittensen
944 km
Benne basculante 3 côtés
MITSUBISHI7C18 Fuso 4x2, DOKA, 7 Sitze, Klima, AHK,Meiller
Revendeur agréé
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
more images
Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
more images
Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3S15 Automatik,3-Seitenkipper Klima, AHK 3,5 t
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
Benne MITSUBISHI 3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.
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Allemagne Osnabrück
794 km
MITSUBISHI3C15 Automatik, Hinterkipper+Box Klima,AHK 3,5t.